Fast Fact
Best time to visit Mathura
Oct - Mar is best month to go Mathura, also Holi is the best time to go Mathura & Vrindawan
Mathura city,is located at a distance of 146 km south-east of Delhi and 59 km north-west of Agra (India). Mathura, a sacred place, on the river Yamuna is the birt place of Lord Krishna,the incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Mathura is one of the most ancient place of India,which has a refernace in the Epic Ramayana.Mathura was ruled by the Maurya Empire and the Sunga dynasty. Archaeological proof seems to point that, by 100 BC, Jains used to live in Mathura.
The art form of Mathura and its culture reached its summit under the Kushan dynasty who had declared it as their capital. Mahmud of Ghazni in 1018 ransacked many of its temples and later on was the place destroyed by Sikandar Lodhi.
Mathura was captured by the Jat kings of Bharatpur but consequently annexed by the Marathas.